
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

To Wean or Not to Wean

When I was first pregnant with Sophie I was nerves that I would not be able to breastfeed so I would always say I am going to try when people would ask about the subject. Well of course I could just like most mothers. My breastfeeding experience with her was a wonderful and very special one. I had mention before that she was an easy baby, so breastfeeding and weaning came easy. Right round 6 months when she started sitting and crawling she started to lose interest in the breast. I would have to pump to try to keep up supply and at one point I was even taking fenugreek. The more she could move around and explore I was out of business. I wasn't really her comfort like I am for Peyton. Her comfort since about 3 months was to suck on her first two fingers on her left hand. So around 9 months I barely had any milk left I would pump and give it to her in a sippy or put it in her food. The only time she want to nurse was once at nap time and once at bed time. So I starting cutting out the nap time nursing when she was right around 11 months. It didn't phase her most of the time she would just latch on to go to sleep. She would just suck on her fingers instead. One week later she was completely weaned. Peyton like I have told you is a whole different story.....from day one he loves the booby. I knew that my goal mark with both of my children was to breastfeed for a year...a little less or little more is just fine with me. I knew he was going to be difficult and he was making a habit out of biting during nursing so I started a little earlier with him probably about 10 months I started to gradually take out feedings. This actually was not bad, he was crawling and starting to walk so he wasn't that interested in nursing during the day. Night time is a different story with him...lol Well we got to the point that we were having a feeding in the morning, nap time, bed time and through out the night. The morning nursing was the easiest to skip so I did that and a few days later we add skipping the nap time booby. I learned that he likes to sleep in his playpen and he will put himself to sleep! So that is what I started doing for naps. So the only time Peyton was now breastfeeding is at bed time and through the night. I had said that Peyton wasn't sleeping well at night, well I am thinking he might not have been feeling well or possible getting another tooth. The last few night he has been sleeping a lot better. Well two nights ago we try skipping booby time at bed time and it was just fine. I am a crazy though and I didn't feel comfortable with he sleep in his playpen all night, I always worry he will suffocate even during nap time I check on him a lot to make sure he is still breathing. So I put him in the bed and he somewhat woke up so I gave him the boob but that was the only time he got it that night. Last night was the same he went to sleep just fine and I nursed him once. Like I said I am crazy I am all like it will be such a relief to not breastfeed but now it's happening I am a little bummed. I know I have to be consistent with the whole process I can't go back in-forth that will just be harder on him.